by Steve Minton, Author, Editor & B.A. in English, Boston University.
"The simple secrets to success with college and business writing…revealed!"
- A step-by-step plan to unleash your creativity and write top-notch fiction, short stories and poetry
- How to avoid the biggest mistakes made in cover letters and resumes…and land that dream job!
Photograph (C) VIP Photographics. All rights reserved.
(C) 2009 T.S. Steve Minton and Interfusion Publishing, Tucson Arizona. All rights reserved.
"Thanks, Steve. Your booklet was really helpful to me when I was under pressure to get my papers done to graduate from vocational college. Your step-by-step approach helped me brainstorm ideas more effectively, and also gave me an intelligent structure to follow which saved me hours of time. You helped ensure my success."
- Rashel Johnson, graduate, Chaparral College, Tucson, Arizona
"Quite simply, your versatile writing ability never ceases to amaze me. More than that, your booklet has helped me to become a better writer. You provide a veritable arsenal of techniques to blow the professors away. It's mandatory reading for students who want to take their writing craft to a higher plateau. Kudos and thanks for the preview."
- Rick Oravec, MBA, Fordham University, New York City
"It looks fantastic, Steve. Congratulations and my deep respect for all that you have pulled together here."
- Prof. Mark B. Woodhouse, Ph.D., former chairman of undergraduate philosophy department and Associate Professor Emeritus, Georgia State University, and author of the widely used college textbooks A Preface to Philosophy and Paradigm Wars: Worldviews for a New Age.
"Your site is quite impressive. I actually printed the resume and cover letter section because my partner is presently writing one and I myself am writing cover letters for the new development stage I am in. I did get a lot out of the cover letter material and believe it helped me to redo my cover letters to be more effective. It's great when there is a document to follow that tells what should be there and what should not."
- Paul JJ Alix, founder of YOGA for ALL school in New York City; yoga practitioner for 27 years and teacher for 17 years, certified instructor for seminars and workshops for the New York City Parks Department, throughout America and internationally.
This book has been designed to provide useful and informative material on the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher and author are not engaged in rendering professional services. If the reader requires such assistance or advice, a competent professional should be consulted. The publisher and author make no guarantees as to the numerical grade any student will attain when using this resource for their assignments, nor can we guarantee that the job seeker will obtain his or her desired position. They specifically disclaim any responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book. The publisher and author provide unique information, tools, and distinctions; the student and job seeker must provide the individual effort which is such an indispensable component of successful writing.
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